Choosing Your Screen Time Battles: When to Hold Firm and Let Go

July 14, 2020

Strange times call for new ways to adapt but staying consistent is key to making it work.

Schedule the day in blocks.

It really depends on the home. Parents should pick two to three non-negotiables and stay firm on those rules. If children see that the rules do not bend, they will stop trying to break them.

Cover the non-negotiables.

Know how your kid spends their time online.

Let kids be bored.

This summer you’re no longer shuttling kids to camp, play dates, and other activities so this slower pace of life can feel strange and perhaps uncomfortable. It’s OK. Let kids be bored and find their way out of that boredom. If they missed out on band camp, they can practice or learn a new instrument at home. If they miss soccer practice, they can still get outside and play ball. Let kids use their imaginations for how to be without screens and amazing things can come of it. If they’re really struggling, take the time to come up with some goals together so they can focus on what’s important to them.